Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hello families! I hope you all enjoyed the 3 day weekend. Here's what's happening in our classroom this week...
In reading we'll read biographies of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Our comprehension skills are theme, main idea and sequence. Students will make a timeline of Dr. King's life. Students will also write about a dream of their own that would benefit all mankind. Our grammar skill is subject verb agreement. When the noun is singular we add an s to the verb. Our spelling focuses on that tricky /y/. When it comes at the end of the word it makes a long e or i sound. If the word is multisyllabic it typically has a long e sound, in one syllable words the y makes a long i sound.

This will be our last week of studying money in math! We will test on Friday. Students have learned to count mixed coins with amounts up to $1.00. This week we will make given amounts, show the same amount 2 different ways, and solve word problems involving money. Some students will learn how to make change by counting on from the cost to the amount paid. I am so proud of every students' effort with this unit. Counting money is no easy task.

In unit study we will finish up our study of US symbols. We have learned about the flag, bald eagle, and Statue of Liberty. This week we will discover the Liberty Bell and The Great Seal. I will allow students to bring home their symbols book to study before the test. Please be sure to return them the next day so I can display them in the classroom.

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