Monday, March 19, 2012


Hello First Grade Families,

I hope everyone had a great Spring Break! I heard a lot of great vacations stories today about the mountains, parks, camping, the beach, and visiting family. I also enjoyed the break but was ready to come back and see everyone's shining faces!

In the classroom this week the students will be learning new and exciting material. In language arts the students will be reading Mama's Birthday Present, a story about a little boy planning a wonderful party for his mom. It is not until the end of the story he finds the best present!! The comprehension skill is drawing conclusions and the grammer skill for the week is adjectives: shapes and colors! In spelling thes students will discovery another way to spell long a (ai, ay). The students will become cartographers in unit study by exploring maps, globes, and even fishing our community map. Finally, in math the students will become fraction experts by learning numerator, demonator, and differnt types of fractions (1/2, 1/3, and 1/4)!

It is going to be a great week and I am excited about being back in school!

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