Thursday, August 2, 2012


Hello Families!!!

Welcome to second grade! I hope you had a wonderful summer. I have heard about some amazing summer trips and adventures. I was able to travel to the beach, go to seminars, and relax.

So far this week the students have been learning about the procedures and expectations of the classroom. In addition to the expectations, the students have been learning and participating in Campus School (second grade) Olympics. On Monday we made torches and had an opening ceremony. The students went around the school saying the Campus Motto: respectful, responsible, and ready. Each flame of the torch represented each part of the promise. On Tuesday we read Wilma Unlimted, a story about a young girl who reached her dream of being in the Olympics. The students brainstormed "Going for the Gold Goals" for second grade. On Wednesday the students participated in Olympic math activities. They used a variety of measuring tools to record their results. It was so fun watching them do their best and work so hard.  The rest of the week will be full of more Olympic activities.

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