Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Hello Families,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Hopefully your child shared with you the delicious Igneous rocks w made in class in last week! I heard great stories about sharing. This week we will continue learning about rocks and the unique ways they are made.

In reading the students will be reading, Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat, a great story about teamwork and determination! The comprehension skill is sequence. The voabulary for our story is clutch. Can you use context clues in the following sentence to figure out the meaning of clutch: Ronald clutched the bat ready to hit. The grammar skill is singular and plural nouns. When do you use -es?

In math the students will be using their brains to solve addition problems. Here are some of the math examples they will be solving (24+35=?, 120+46=?, 72+34=?)
In unit study the students will review Igneous, Sedmentary, and Metamorphic rocks.
I hope you enjoy the week!

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be the week of October 1-5. Make sure to visit the class wiki to sign up. Please complete and return the attached pre-conference questionnaire.

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