Monday, November 12, 2012


Hello Families,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Last week we finished the Candy Corn Contest and the winning guess from Clarence Robinson! There were 132 peices in the jar. Good job Clarence!!

This week in the classroom:

In language arts we will be reading A Turkey for Thanksgiving a thrilling story about how animals celebrate Thanksgiving! The spelling skill is long -a (a, ay and ai). The grammar skill for the week is adjectives.The students will also be working on their writing for the How-To-Projects.
In unit study the students will be working on the three branches of governement. What are the three branches??? Students will learn how each provides a check and balance for our government process as well as each branches function and the leaders.
In math the students will be continuing subtraction. The skills include using addition to check, rounding and estimating differences, as well as problem solving lessons where students will decide whether to add or subtract.

For How-To-Project reminders go to the class wiki!

Quote for the week:
Eventually, children learn to exercise self motivation as they see the needs around them. Embracing challenges and problems is a start toward taking on the role of a leader. Thoughtful and persistent parental involvement is needed to encourage children along this path. Life Skill: Responsibility


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