Monday, December 9, 2013

Numbers big and small!

This week the students are compare and ordering numbers! We made a human number line and then sang The 12 Days of Christmas to learn about ordinal numbers.

Compare and Contrast

Last week the students did a big unit on compare and contrast. The students compared and contrasted objects, animals, food, and character in a story.


Thank you so much parents for an amazing feast!!! Thank you also for making this year so fantastic!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Day!!!!

Wish we could do this today!!! Hopefully everyone is enjoying the day off!!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Healthy Choices Week!

Today the students and myself wore red shirts and slippers!! Below is the schedule for the week.

Monday "Don’t Slip Into Drugs"- Wear red shirts, uniform pants and favorite slippers

Tuesday "Drugs Are Unbearable" Bring teddy bear to school, Read-in from 8:00-8:20

Wednesday "Band Together to Be Healthy"- Wear spirit shirt for a pep rally

Thursday "Put a Cap on Drugs"- Wear a hat, healthy choices fair in playroom

Friday "Play Sports for a Healthy Body""- Wear a sports jersey and uniform pants

Novemeber 18!

Friday, November 15, 2013

"Mustache Mystery"

We had two strangers join our class this week!!!!

Place Value

The students learned  about place value this week! This is our math madness wall. Sometimes math can make us feel like we are going mad but the students perservere. So proud of them. 

The Giving Turkey

Last week the student earned three feathers and we had a hot cocoa party!!! Monday I will reveals what happens when they earn three more!!!!! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Week Ahead!

Math Madness!

This week the students enjoyed reviewing the addition strategies they have been learning. Addition Strategies help the students solve math problems. Having multiple strategies helps the students choose the best one that works for them.

Strategy Spin!

Face Off!

Double Scoop!

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Upcoming Week

Daily Five

"Daily 5 is a structure that helps students develop the daily habits of reading, writing, and working independently that will lead to a lifetime of literacy independence." -The Daily CafĂ©
Last week we practiced Reading to Someone. Read to Someone is when the students read with another student. Each student can choose the same book or different books. One thing that  helps the students is the acronym, E.E.K.K.

This week the students will be practicing word work! The students will have the opportunity to practice with sight words and words that pertain to our spelling skills.