Today the students and myself wore red shirts and slippers!! Below is the schedule for the week.
Monday "Don’t Slip Into Drugs"- Wear red shirts, uniform pants and favorite slippers
Tuesday "Drugs Are Unbearable" Bring teddy bear to school, Read-in from 8:00-8:20
Wednesday "Band Together to Be Healthy"- Wear spirit shirt for a pep rally
Thursday "Put a Cap on Drugs"- Wear a hat, healthy choices fair in playroom
Friday "Play Sports for a Healthy Body""- Wear a sports jersey and uniform pants
Monday "Don’t Slip Into Drugs"- Wear red shirts, uniform pants and favorite slippers
Tuesday "Drugs Are Unbearable" Bring teddy bear to school, Read-in from 8:00-8:20
Wednesday "Band Together to Be Healthy"- Wear spirit shirt for a pep rally
Thursday "Put a Cap on Drugs"- Wear a hat, healthy choices fair in playroom
Friday "Play Sports for a Healthy Body""- Wear a sports jersey and uniform pants
WOW! Everyone looks great! Way to go parents for helping them to participate!