Monday, May 13, 2013


Hello Families,

Thank you all so much for all the treats last week!

This week is our Math Fact Ice Cream Sundae Celebration. We will celebrate after recess on Wednesday!  Sign up to bring in supplies on this wiki link.

This week in the classroom:
In reading we'll read the narrative poem "I Like Where I Am!" It's about a boy that doesn't want to move. Our comprehension focus will be on theme and poetry elements such as rhythm, rhyme, and figurative language. Our spelling words this week are the months of the year, and our grammar skill is pronouns.

In unit study we're working on our Tennessee unit. The students will explore the cultures and landmarks of the different TN regions. We'll also begin to recognize state symbols such as our flag, the state bird and flower. Do you know why we're nicknamed the volunteer state? Your kido should be able to tell you why by the end of the week.

In math this week we'll explore the multiplication operation. We'll talk about the factors and product, explore some hands on models of multiplying groups and engage in some basic fact practice for those that are ready. Students will recognize multiplication as repeated addition and create arrays to solve. It is a fun unit.

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